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December 28, 2004
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 28, 2004

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7PM

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.


Selectman DeBold stated that he spoke with Fred Shaw regarding a Town Warrant for the Historical Society.   Mr. Shaw questioned why the library had two warrants.  Selectman DeBold responded that if the library retained the use of the Selectmen’s office, then the warrant in the amount of $10,300.00 will be used to bring the counter to ADA specifications and the other warrant in the amount of $15,000.00 is in case the library lost use of the Selectmen’s office. If that were the case, the library would need to build office space and bring the counter up to ADA specifications.  Selectman DeBold suggested communication between the library and historical society be opened up and attempt to resolve the issue of the use of the Selectmen’s office.  Selectman DeBold asked Patty to schedule a meeting between the library committee and the historical society to try to resolve this issue.  Also, Patty was asked to locate copies of the Town Report for 1988, 1989 and 1996.


Mr.  & Mrs. Dean Wolf and Mr. & Mrs. Roland Bernard addressed the Board with concerns regarding the mobile home that is parked on Harvest Road; the property belongs to Mr. James Robinson.  Mr. Wolf submitted documents that shows on the platt a line of sight easement; according to Mr. Wolf’s documentation the mobile home is blocking the line of sight easement.  Selectman DeBold stated that he went to the Merrimack Registry of Deeds and could not find a registered line of sight easement.  After some discussion Chairman Colbert and Selectman MacCleery accepted the possibility of a line of sight easement; Selectman DeBold still has his doubts.  Chairman Colbert stated that a letter was drafted to Mr. Robinson stating that he must pull the mobile home back. Selectman MacCleery quoted Article III C §3a and advised the mobile home was there only temporarily.

Mr. Wolf and Mr. Bernard requested that the Board give Mr. Robinson a time frame to comply with the letter.   Selectman DeBold asked Mr. Wolf to make a recommendation to the Board.  Mr. Wolf recommended five (5) days upon receipt of the letter and Mr. Bernard recommended seven (7) days of receipt of the letter; Selectman DeBold stated that the Board would take the recommendation under consideration.

Mr. Wolf then quoted Article III Section H Obnoxious Uses.  Selectman MacCleery stated that issue was for the Board of Adjustment to decide.


The Budget Committee met with the Board and with Deputy Chief Mike Paveligo regarding the Fire Department’s Budget.  Deputy Chief Paveligo stated that he was going to draft a Warrant Article for a stretcher for the ambulance.  Deputy Chief Paveligo presented his budget to the Budget Committee and to the Board.  

The Budget Committee will meet with the Board on January 11, 2004 to discuss all departments’ budgets.  The date for the Budget Hearing is scheduled for February 8, 2005.


Selectman DeBold stated he had received a bid from Mr. Thiem to drill for a well at Carpenter Park.  He stated that he did not think Mr. Thiem could drill until the Spring.  He stated that their pricing per foot was the same as Taskers.  Selectman DeBold also stated that he thinks Taskers can drill the well now.

Selectman DeBold made a Motion to encumber $6,638.00 and any other funds made available by the Property Liability Trust for the repair/replacement of the water well at Carpenter Park, by Tasker Well Company, per agreed upon signed contract proposal dated November 29, 2004.  Chairman Colbert seconded the Motion, no further discussion, all were in favor.  Motion carried.


Selectman MacCleery opened up discussion asking why a call was made to the Town Attorney before discussing with the Board.  Selectman MacCleery thought that this was discussed and resolved in the Summer.  Selectman DeBold stated that he called the Town Attorney regarding an issue that came up in his capacity as Ex-Officio on the Planning Board and serving on the Planning Board’s subcommittee revising the wetlands ordinance.  While he had the Town Attorney on the telephone he asked him if it was a conflict of interest for a Selectman to sign a Petition, and that he did not call on his own behalf.  Chairman Colbert stated that issues should be discussed by the Board and if the issue is of legal question, then as a Board they would call the Town Attorney.


Patty reminded the Selectmen that she and one Selectman are to meet on December 30, 2004 with Attorney Tim Britain regarding the trailer that is on Mrs. Fournier’s property.  It was decided that Selectman DeBold would meet with Patty and Attorney Britain.


The Board discussed the Plummer Property sale and whether or not the Town should purchase the property to have access to Marsh Pond.  The Board decided to advise the Conservation Committee to move forward with the purchase of the property.


General correspondence was reviewed.

Minutes from December 21, 2004 were reviewed and approved

Checks were signed

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned at 12:05AM.

Respectfully submitted:

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery